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沙 sha

Home Pinyin sha

豆沙 dòushā bean paste

流沙 liúshā quicksand; quicksands

沙袋 shādài sandbag

沙发 shāfā settee; sofa; sofas

沙格 shāgé shag

沙锅 shāguō casserole

沙皇 shāhuáng czar; czars; tsar; tsarist

沙井 shājǐng manhole; manholes

沙拉 shālā salad

沙龙 shālóng salon; salons

沙漏 shālòu hourglass

沙漠 shāmò desert

沙丘 shāqiū dune; dunes

沙沙 shāshā rustle; rustled

沙鼠 shāshǔ gerbil

沙滩 shātān beach

沙县 shāxiàn sha county

沙哑 shāyǎ hoarse; husky; raucous

沙洲 shāzhōu sandbank

沙子 shāzi sand

一盘散沙 yīpánsǎnshā plate of loose sand

长沙 zhǎngshā changsha

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce